Cracking Drupal Kindle Edition now available for $14.84 (Still relevant for Drupal 7)
The day has finally come - Cracking Drupal is available for the Kindle.
Cracking Drupal on the Kindle
I asked my publisher about this almost instantly after the book came out. I had recently received a Kindle as a gift and was excited about e-books. Unfortunately the technology was young and getting a book on such a specific topic into the Kindle format was a daunting task for them. It seems either the Kindle format got easier or they got better at reformatting things to Kindle format or both and now it's available.
The Kindle edition costs $14.84 compared to $25 for the Amazon version of the book compared to $40 for the Wiley hardback available in stores or the $40 Wiley PDF available from
Drupal 7: Covered by Cracking Drupal so far
One other question I've had a lot of recently is whether or not the book Cracking Drupal covers Drupal 7. The answer is basically yes. While I was writing the book the biggest change coming about was the database API. Indeed it is now out and indeed it makes it much harder to create sql injections. Everything else the book talks about - thinking like a hacker, the nature of cross site scripting, cross site request forgeries, and sql injection - are all still relevant in Drupal 7 as they were in Drupal 6 and the configuration, process and coding practices to keep your site safe are still basically the same.
There is a chance that I will create an updated version of the book that more specifically covers Drupal 7 but I think more likely is to skip Drupal 7 and instead wait for a version of the book on Drupal 8. By then things will have changed enough to make it worthwhile and I can expand the coverage of areas I didn't cover as much as I would have liked to (mainly CSRF).
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